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Lancashire Cricket Heritage Committee

Lancashire Cricket Heritage Committee

A new Lancashire Cricket Heritage committee met in November for the first time since the Chairmanship was taken on by Club Secretary, Lee Morgan.

Matters discussed included management of the Club’s heritage artefacts, technological equipment for the Library, future displays in the Long Room and Members' areas, the strategy for acquisition of new memorabilia items and plans for a museum.

It is hoped that work on the new Club Library will be finished early in the New Year. The Library will be situated between the Club Shop and the Medical Centre in the Indoor Cricket Centre.

Plans for a new museum are being considered as part of the design and development of the New Stand which is planned to replace the existing Red Rose building. More information will be provided on this as the overall plans progress.

Among the ideas for populating the display cabinets were women’s cricket in Lancashire and memorabilia from the career of James Anderson.

Finally, volunteers are required to bring all these ideas and others to fruition. If you are interested in Lancashire cricket heritage and if you have knowledge of the preservation of cricket artefacts, please contact Malcolm Lorimer at [email protected].

In particular, we would like to encourage the involvement of more women and young people onto the Heritage Team.

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