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Player Diary: Laura Jackson on Running up Rivington Pike, T20 World Cup and Women's IPL

Player Diary: Laura Jackson on Running up Rivington Pike, T20 World Cup and Women's IPL

I have never before experienced jelly legs like I did the other day when we, as a Thunder squad, took on Rivington Pike. 

I put on my social media afterwards that I feel like I left my legs up there. But it was so much fun, and great to be around the girls. The general view was that it was a wholesome experience, which was ended with a spot of lunch at the cafe afterwards.

On the way up to the top - The Pike Tower - we did shuttle runs backwards and forwards because there were a few girls who couldn’t run and had to just walk. They would walk ahead and we’d run back and forth. We did that a couple of times.

The main monstrosity was then the steps up to the tower at the top.

We had to do three lots of going up and down the steps, going up a step, going up two steps at a time and even with someone else alongside.

We weren’t timed aside from the very last run when all of us had to get up the steps within two-and-a-half-minutes as a collective. And we got it in one minute 59 seconds. Smashed it!

I love doing all those different types of things in winter training because, at the end of the day, you’re in a cold indoor centre for the majority of the time.

On Thursdays we have a track session and then go to David Lloyd to do a gym session. That’s the only day of the week we don’t have any cricket. So we leave everything we can out on the track and then do a really hard gym session after. 

But I love the feeling after doing something like that. I get a real high from it be honest.

England start their T20 World Cup campaign on Saturday, and I’m as confident as usual about their chances of success. 

I feel like we’ve done a few blogs now previewing World Cup campaigns, and I always feel like they’re going to do well.

There are good foundations to build on, but with the new coaching staff led by Jon Lewis it looks like it’s been a breath of fresh air for the squad.

The environment looks to be so positive and the girls look like they’re enjoying their cricket. When that happens, it shows they’re in a good place.

They certainly must be in a good place if someone of Emma Lamb’s quality can’t break into the squad. 

I’m gutted for her that she’s not out there because she really does deserve it with her regional and ODI performances. But she’s here with us working hard as always. Hopefully it won’t be long before she breaks into the T20 team.

And what about the recent news that the first women’s Indian Premier League will be taking place next month. Amazing.

I’m so excited about it. It’s something we’ve all been after for a long time. It’s finally come around, and we can’t wait to see it unfold.

I did have the opportunity to put my name in the auction, as we all did.

All the stuff got circulated around, and I did think about it. But, at the end of the day, you’ve got to be realistic.

There’s only 25 overseas players to be selected across the five squads. In England, it would be difficult for me to get in that number, let alone the world.

For now, I’ll sit back and watch this one, get my head down, work hard and see what happens in the future.

It’s definitely something that’s on my career bucket list.

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