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Open letter from Chris Peacock ahead of Annual General Meeting

Open letter from Chris Peacock ahead of Annual General Meeting

Board Member Chris Peacock, who is responsible for Member Services and Communications, has penned an open letter to the club's members ahead of the Annual General Meeting (AGM), that takes place on Thursday 30 May at 4:15pm.


Dear Members,

I hope that you are all well and, like myself, delighted to have seen the results last weekend with the men winning up at Blackpool and Lancashire Thunder winning at Emirates Old Trafford. Hopefully, this will be the turning point of the season for us, and we can start racking up more wins.

I wanted to provide you with a number of updates ahead of the AGM.

Firstly, I sadly cannot attend as I have a pre-arranged family holiday, so I have had to send my apologies. However, that has not stopped me from being involved and I have taken advantage of the electronic voting that has been introduced this year. I would like to encourage all members to take part in the AGM and cast your votes. If anyone has any issues or questions with this, please let me know and I will happily consult with the club to ensure you get the help you need. Members are able to vote digitally by clicking here.

Secondly, I am aware that of some posts and information which has been shared online, mostly via social media, in attempts to portray the club, and the board, in a negative light. Everyone is welcome to their own opinion, and we encourage fair criticism and challenge, as it is essential to ensuring our club is run well, but I think some of what I’ve seen has been incredibly unfair.

I would like to state categorically that, having been on the board for the past twelve months as the Non-Executive Director for Members Services and Communication, I have never worked with a better group of individuals who care passionately about our club, cricket and delivering a winning team in all competitions we play in. I have seen the challenge members of the board have provided to the Executive of the club, including the cricket department, and they feel every defeat as much as we do. They all strive for the best for the club and for the members. Are there things the club should improve on? Yes, and we all acknowledge that and are constantly working to do this.

I have used my position to champion concerns of members, from the proposed changes to The Hundred, to the match day experience, and many many many more, and at each time, the board has listened, and acted.

I take my democratic mandate extremely seriously, and if I had for one moment thought that the board, or any member thereof, was acting against the best interests of the club or members, I would be the first to say so – loudly and publicly.

I appreciate that some members will want to suggest that by providing this update, I am somehow not acting for the membership, and am in fact now part of the same group of people they distrust and dislike no matter what is said or done. To those members, I offer out my hand, engage with me, as I have offered from the start of my term on the board. Contact me and I will happily meet with you at a game or away from a match to discuss your concerns or ideas of how we can make our cricket club as great as we know it can be.

I have met with many members since my election and will continue to do so. To this end, I again share my email at the bottom of this update, and if you cannot get in touch via email, please do so through the club who will pass on your messages to me directly.

Only together can we build the club we want Lancashire Cricket to be, across all formats and in both the men’s and women’s game – on and off the field.

I therefore would urge all members to consider using your vote at the AGM, to support the Chair, and board members who are up for re-election this year. I will be the first to hold them to account at the next and future board meetings as your democratically elected representative.

I would also ask members to utilise and contact the Members’ Representative Group who continue to do a fantastic job. Get in touch with them their email address: MRG@lancashirecricket.co.uk

Chris Peacock


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